Helping hand
EIT RawMaterials ACP 1
From the 15th of May 2023 to the 30th of September 2023, we participated in Phase 1 of the Accelerator (ACP 1) by EIT RawMaterials, co-financed by the European Union. The project’s total cost was 10,000 EUR, fully subsidised.
How is it called?
Full name of the project and financing programme
EIT RawMaterials Accelerator Programme Phase 1 Call 2023 Cohort 1
Project Agreement No 15099-ECLC-2023-04-BEEGRAPHNE-ACP1 “Replacing III-V materials in (opto)electronics and sensors”
What is it about?
Short description
BeeGraphene has identified a market need to replace multiple critical raw materials with graphene. In this project, we wanted to focus on three currently developed prototype devices: transparent electrodes for optoelectronic applications (OLEDs or solar cells), Hall sensors, and photodetectors. These applications will serve as prototype examples, showing the potential of the future transformation of the optoelectronics and sensors industries. Apart from the reduction of dependence on critical raw materials, such as gallium or arsenic, substituting currently used III-V materials with the first isolated two-dimensional material has numerous additional benefits for the customers, for example, increased device performance and reliability, new application areas, due to the physical and chemical hardness of graphene, or reduction of the environmental impact.
The project’s main objective in Phase 1 of the EIT RawMaterials Accelerator was to increase the market readiness of the solutions and raw materials offered by BeeGraphene by validating prototypes of three exemplary applications of graphene in the optoelectronics and sensors sectors. Based on the feedback from the market, the most promising solutions were chosen for further development, both technologically and business-wise.