Helping hand
POPW 1.1.1
Platformy Startowe
From October 2020 to February 2021 we took part in the programme cofinanced from European Union’s funds and managed by Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego. We were given services worth 31 293,87 PLN as de minimis financing.
How is it called?
Full name of the project and financing programme
Program Operacyjny Polska Wschodnia 2014-202, Oś priorytetowa I: Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia, Działanie 1.1 Platformy startowe dla nowych pomysłów, Poddziałanie 1.1.1 Platformy startowe dla nowych pomysłów, Projekt Platformy Startowe Start In Podkarpackie

What is it about?
Short description
Platfromy Stratowe Start in Podkarpackie was an incubation programme aiming to help turn ideas into working companies.
We participated in several training sessions in entrepreneurship, marketing solutions, teamwork and similar. We got help refining our business model and encouragement to keep working on our idea. Apart from training, we got help in making essential corporate and legal documents and creating our branding (our logo and business card designs come from this programme). An expert from the marketing company looked deeper into our case and proposed a marketing strategy which we are successfully following. We also got material help by supplying the first silicon carbide wafers, which we could work with to refine our graphitization solution. Last but not least, we have met wonderful people who taught us a lot and helped us during our participation in the Platformy Startowe programme and after it.
We wanted to thank everyone involved in Platformy Startowe and show gratitude for the programme. It made us confident that the idea born in the university can be a basis for a successful establishment.
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