We got nomination for the R&D Impact 2023 award
We are pleased to inform you that we’ve got nominated for the R&D Impact 2023 award.
Two factors lead to the nomination. The nomination is mainly for developing and disseminating information about Polish graphene through our activities. Secondly, for carrying project “Powrót polskiego grafenu: wdrożenie rynkowe innowacyjnej technologii wzrostu grafenowych, dedykowanych dla sektora ICT” (Return of the Polish graphene: market introduction of the innovative technology of growing graphene, dedicated for the ICT sector).
We thank the award organisers for the nomination and all of you interested in graphene technologies for making our work worthwhile. Regardless of the awards and recognition, we will always try to show you the most exciting elements of the graphene market. And, let’s not forget that we will provide you with the great graphene itself.