Graphene market

Today we would like to tell you a few things about the graphene market and why it is worth spending resources on it.

Due to its unique properties, graphene has been called “the material of the future”. It has a high potential to disrupt numerous industry sectors. It is characterized by extremely high electron mobility, which translates into excellent electrical properties, high mechanical strength, thermal conductivity, and optical transparency.

Its potential applications range from being a simple additive to various materials, enhancing their mechanical, thermal, or electrical properties, to advanced quantum sensors and future-generation electronic devices.

Because of the difficulties in producing, manipulating and developing the first isolated 2D material applications, graphene technologies are still in the relatively early stage of development. While graphene in the form of nano-platelets, powders, dispersions and graphene-oxide solutions is already applied as an additive by the polymer, concrete, composite and textiles industries, applications of continuous graphene sheets are still in the R&D phase. The predicted areas of graphene applications include electronics, sensors, optoelectronics, spintronics, and radio-communication devices.

Technology used in R&D centers
(Photo by L N on Unsplash)
Graphene market on the rise
(Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash)

The graphene market is a new market, and the estimates of its value in 2021 are pretty varied. The value ranges from a little over 100M USD (as indicated by Grand View Research Market Report) to 572.9M USD (Facts & Factors). However, analysts agree that it is growing rapidly, with the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2021 and 2028 estimated between 16.25% (Facts & Factors) and 43.2% (Grand View Research). While the majority of revenue comes from the market of graphene nano-platelets and graphene oxide, already applied by various industries, the revenue attributed to sheet graphene is also growing. However, graphene sheets are currently purchased primarily by the R&D sector, consisting of public and private research institutes. The future growth of this segment will rely on the adoption of the applications of sheet graphene in large, mature markets, such as analogue electronics, valued at 349.46B USD in 2020 (Verified Market Research), or sensors, valued at 166.69B USD in 2019 (Allied Market Research).

The growth of the graphene market depends on the development of graphene devices and technologies. BeeGraphene is aiding researchers in that mission by providing high-quality, easy-to-use, reliable material in a cost-effective way. Please find out more about our material by visiting the products section on our website.

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